inspire to spark creativity every day

I love the process involved in creating each limited edition piece. Here is a glimpse at how they come together.

A painting, a photograph, a collage, a drawing?

limited editions

My process combines detail photographs taken from physical paintings and collages with digital drawings. These are done by hand with a stylus using mixed media elements from pencil and marker to pastel and oil crayon, creating beautifully layered works. Each is printed on cold press watercolor paper and hand signed and numbered. Follow the images below for a look at how they are made.

the painting

Layer No. 1

This is a detailed photograph of a watercolor I did for a series called "gardens from above".

the collage

Layer No. 2

These pieces are taken from a collage I did for my "shapes of summer" series. Here they have been moved around to form a new grouping to float over the watercolor.

the watercolor wash

Layer No. 3

By using a stylus capable of rendering washes, I can paint over the first two layers with just the right amount of opactiy.

the pastels

Layer No. 4

The stylus also allows me to create thin layers of pastel in any hue. When viewing the finished piece, you will see the movement created by these swathes of pastel across the piece. View the final piece.

play with color: piece by piece, layer by layer

what happens when colors are next to each other?